Whether you choose to litigate, mediate, collaborate, or do it on your own (pro se) it is important to keep your emotions out of the decision making process, especially when solving financial issues.

Once you or your spouse make the decision to move forward with the divorce proceedings, you’ve entered the second and potentially most intense phase of the divorce. This phase ends around the time the decree and settlement are signed.

You need to work through this phase like a business partner deciding to split or terminate a business. Decisions based on emotions can result in much higher expenses and the process could be drawn out unnecessarily.

How Colorado Divorce Financial Experts can help during your divorce:



  • Estimate extraordinary expenses for your children

  • Estimate the need for or ability to pay spousal maintenance (alimony)

  • Calculate value of marital versus separate property of IRA, 401K & pension accounts

  • Assist in developing a complete Financial Affidavit if needed

  • Educate you on the tax implications of splitting various assets, investments, pension plans, and other property

  • Make recommendations for the division of marital property

  • Develop alternate settlement proposals that meet your objectives

  • Generate creative settlement solutions for special needs

  • Analyze proposed settlement’s effect on cash flow, investments, retirement, and net worth by analyzing cash flow and net worth projections for 10 to 30 years AFTER the divorce 

  • Calculate appropriate amounts of life insurance to guarantee support payments 

  • Assist in preparation of exhibits for trial  

  • Serve as an expert witness on your behalf on issues of personal lifestyle, cash flow needs, and workability of settlement

  • Research and review preliminary Qualified Domestic Relations Order(s)


  • Ensure your cash flow will be sufficient to cover immediate and long-term needs for you and your children

  • Increase your long-term financial security by making sure you aren’t on a path to consume all of your assets earlier than expected 

  • Help you understand, evaluate and negotiate settlement proposals 

  • Maximize your net worth by minimizing taxes through the efficient allocation of personal and real estate tax deductions

  • Protect the needs of your children, especially if they have special needs

  • Potentially lower legal and professional fees by expediting the settlement process and minimizing the need for expensive court procedures

  • Ensure the legal documents (QDRO, Property Settlement, Divorce Decree) have the appropriate wording and are validated by the right people so you gain the control you expect over assets, accounts, pension plans, and other property